"Mad Heart, Be Brave".

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Teach For India.

Yup. I'm going to go for the 'Teach for India' talk law school is holding in about 15 minutes.

The tagline for the poster type thing they'd out up was, enough talking, do something about it.
And while my last two posts have been along the more frivolous lines, this time I'm a little serious. I truly believe in the idea of teach for India, whats more I believe in their tag line.

They're right. Enough discussion, we need to do something about it. We need to get up, shake the dust off our clothes, leave our comfy homes and get dirty. We need to BE the change we eant to see, cliche as it may sound.
We need to DO something. And thats what I'm going to do now.
My first step towards doing something.

There's a reason why I came to law school. not only for the money, but more to make a difference in the world.
And its time we start doing things to make sure we make a difference as opposed to just saying we want to make a difference.

So here's to being the difference we want,
think about it.


1 comment:

  1. I think you're AWESOME!!
    You totally make my day.
    What profound observations, what prose,
    what lyrical poetry, what attention to detail.
    What finesse.

    You truly are a brilliant writer.
    I look forward to reading more such masterpieces.
