"Mad Heart, Be Brave".

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I'm not turning 21. I'm turning 20.
The coolness of being finally legal has been put off for a year.

So What though. I'm leaving my teens.
Actually I'm not.
I'm turning twenteen! :P

Before that though I need to finish two projects by tomorrow 5 p.m.
Kill me.
Its my birthday day after
*Does five-year-old-jig*

See you on the other side of the New Year then. :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Memo Submission. Status- DONE.

I've spent weeks of no sleep, or very little of it, on crafting arguments.
Reading up on areas of law I had no clue about.
And I'm finally done.
2 days back. But the feeling kinda carries.
And now I have projects to do.
Really Law School. Have some mercy.
I turn 21 in 10 days! Which is cool. Because I'm 21 then.
I can drive.
I'm legal.
Can go to jail.

And. Umm.
The rest I already do :P

And its the new year :D

I never make New Year resolutions. Actually. I do. But then I always end up breaking them.
What's your New Year Resoltuion?

Also. Christmas. I LOVE my Secret Santa. Got me a whole meal from KFC they did. And I'd gone to bed without lunch. I LOVE them!
My Xmas wish list-

A christmas tree.
Plum Cake.
And Candy Cane!


Thursday, December 2, 2010


"Far away, for far too long..."

Thats what I've been. Why you ask?

1. NLS-Debate. My Baby. I don't think there is another point of time in the entire academic year when I'm prouder. Of everything. My committee. My college. My juniors. My seniors. Me too.
2. Certain unplanned things which I shall not mention here.
3. LeGala + SF- Again. I think I fall in love with Law School during fests. :P
4. General trying-to-find-myself activities.
5. PROJECTS. The bane of my existence. So. So. SO boring. :(

Anywhoo. I now have a vive tomorrow, and exams in 4 days. Oh and have I mentioned, my attendance is the most glorious it has ever been in the longest time. Stunning no?
Why can God have no mercy?

But in the midst of all this-
Guess what.
I started writing again! woohooo! I realised how good that makes me feel! So complete for the shortest time.

Oh, and I've fallen in love.
So head over heels in love.

With who/what you as?
Shoes/pretty clothes/food?

Nay. Not anything so materialistic. I was introduced to this poet, Agha Shahid Ali, by a friend of mine. We've been gushing over his writing ever since. [Check out said friend's blog here. I love it!!]
I. Am. In. Love.

He's like my spiritual soulmate.
Go get him you say.

Uno problemo- He's dead. 9 years now. Ah. The pain of unrequited love.

Its okay. I have all those cooking blogs to follow, such yummy concoctions to take my mind off the grief.

I also need to lose weight.
Two of my first cousins getting married next year.
The trials and tribulations of my generation, I tell you.
No. I'm just being whiney.
But surprisingly, I actually like gymming. It makes me feel so good about myself. :D

I'm off now.
Till next time (after exams that is).

P.S.- Birthday Month has started! Yaaay!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'll be back in a bit. Till then. This.

I've been uper busy. I'll come back and post in a while. But I've rediscovered that I could write, half-decently, but write it is. Anywho. That is for more private arenas. I found this though, in the midst of my searching for poetry. And I want to post it here.

N'écris pas. Je suis triste, et je voudrais m'éteindre.
Les beaux étés sans toi, c'est la nuit sans flambeau.
J'ai refermé mes bras qui ne peuvent t'atteindre,
Et frapper à mon coeur, c'est frapper au tombeau.
N'écris pas!

N'écris pas. N'apprenons qu'à mourir à nous-mêmes.
Ne demande qu'à Dieu . . . qu'à toi, si je t'aimais!
Au fond de ton absence écouter que tu m'aimes,
C'est entendre le ciel sans y monter jamais.
N'écris pas!

N'écris pas. Je te crains; j'ai peur de ma mémoire;
Elle a gardé ta voix qui m'appelle souvent.
Ne montre pas l'eau vive à qui ne peut la boire.
Une chère écriture est un portrait vivant.
N'écris pas!

N'écris pas ces doux mots que je n'ose plus lire:
Il semble que ta voix les répand sur mon coeur;
Que je les vois brûler à travers ton sourire;
Il semble qu'un baiser les empreint sur mon coeur.
N'écris pas!

Here's the translation.

Do not write. I am sad, and want my light put out.
Summers in your absence are as dark as a room.
I have closed my arms again. They must do without.
To knock at my heart is like knocking at a tomb.
Do not write!

Do not write. Let us learn to die, as best we may.
Did I love you? Ask God. Ask yourself. Do you know?
To hear that you love me, when you are far away,
Is like hearing from heaven and never to go.
Do not write!

Do not write. I fear you. I fear to remember,
For memory holds the voice I have often heard.
To the one who cannot drink, do not show water,
The beloved one's picture in the handwritten word.
Do not write!

Do not write those gentle words that I dare not see,
It seems that your voice is spreading them on my heart,
Across your smile, on fire, they appear to me,
It seems that a kiss is printing them on my heart.
Do not write!

- Louis Simpson and Marceline Desbordes-Valmore

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mid Mid-term Boredom = Some really cool finds

So I SHOULD be studying. But I took a facebook break ",.
And GUESS what I found. Well I didn't find it exactly. It sort of appeared on my home feed.
77 Ridiculous Pick Up Lines. Some are downright cute.
I was sitting in class at 3 a.m. and laughing my ass off to some of them.
In addition to having people look at me like I've finally cracked! :P

So I thought I'd repost them here. :)
Have fun reading.

Also I promise to be back with more cool things I've found after my exams end. Which is the day after! Woohoo! :P

1. Can I borrow your phone number? I seem to have lost mine.
2. Have I seen you before? Oh yeah! I saw you in the dictionary next to the word KABLAM!!!
3. Baby, you’re so sweet, you put Hershey’s outta business
4. Was your father a thief? ‘Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
5. Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?
6. Are your pants from outer space? ‘Cause your butt is out of this world,=.
7. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
8. Hey, somebody farted. Let’s get out of here.
9. That’s a nice shirt. Can I talk you out of it?
10. Did you fart? ‘Cause you blew me away.
11. Don’t you know me from somewhere?
12. My love for you is like diarrhea – I can’t hold it in
14. Do you have a library card?’Cause I”d like to check you out
15. Crap. Something is wrong with my cell phone. (Oh Really. What is that?) It’s just that your number’s not in it.
16. You’ve got all the curves, and I’ve got all the angles
17. Is there a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them.
18. If you were a booger I would pick you first.
19. You stole my heart. But that’s okay. I have another one at home in the fridge.
20. Hello. Cupid called. He says to tell you that he needs my heart back.
21. Are you a parking ticket? (What?) You’ve got fine written all over you.
22. Does my breath smell okay?
23. Ever since I met you, you’ve lived in my heart without paying any rent.
24. Excuse me, but did you happen to find my Nobel Peace Prize?
25. My magic watch says that you don’t have on any underwear. (She says yes I do) Damn! It must be 15 minutes fast.
26. Screw me if I am wrong, but haven’t we met before?
27. If I received a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I’d have five cents.
28. Do you sleep on your belly at night? If no, can I?
29. If I followed you home, would you keep me?
30. People call me John, but you can call me tonight!
31. Here’s $10. Drink until I am really good looking, then come and talk to me.
32. You turn my software into hardware!
33. (Fall in front of a girl) Wow, I’ve never fallen for a girl like you before.
34. Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
35. I must be a snowflake, because I’ve fallen for you.
36. Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you’re the only ten I see!
37. Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?
38. I think I need to call heaven because they’ve lost one of their angels.
39. You know what? Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche.
40. Can I even get a fake number?
41. I would say God bless you but it looks like he already did.
42. Damn, I’m glad I’m not blind!
43. If I told you you had a gorgeous body, would you hold it against me?
44. Excuse me can I borrow a quarter, it is an emergency. My mom told me to give her a call the first time I fell in love.
45. I’ll give you a nickel to tickle my pickle!
46. Excuse me, do you have a band-aid? Because I cut my knee when I fell for you.
47. Well here I am. What are your other two wishes?
48. You smell. Let’s shower.
49. Oh baby, you turn my floppy disk into a hard drive.
50. Are you an alarm clock? ‘Cause you opened my eyes
51. Are you a zoo? Because you bring the animal out in me.
52. Are you a magician? Because ever time I look at you, everyone else disappears.
53. Do you know why I can’t see any stars tonight? You outshine them.
54. Let’s save water. Let’s shower together.
55. My neck hurts, because as soon as you walked by I whipped my head!
56. What pick-up line actually works on you?
57. Did you get those jeans on sale? Because at my house their 100% off.
58. Hi, I’m Fun. I don’t think you’ve had me yet.
59. Are your parents terrorists? Because you’re the bomb.
60. Wanna go behind a rock and get a little boulder?
61. If I follow the rainbow will I get you in the end?
62. Good thing I’m not flammable because you’re smoking hot.
63. Do you like water? (Yes) Then you already like 70 percent of me.
64. If you held six roses in front of a mirror you’d see seven of the most beautiful things in the world.
65. I’m like a clock and you’re the batteries. Without you my world would end!
66. Hey can you please scratch my back? My arms are far too muscular for me to reach.
67. Did you hear the latest health report? You need to up your daily intake of vitamin me.
68. You must be peanut butter because you’re making my legs feel like jelly!
69. Hey my name is John, but you can call me later!
70. Are you religious? (Why?) Because you’re the answer to my prayers.
71. Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I’m asking for only one.
72. I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away.
73. Let’s play chess. You turn off the light and I’ll make the first move!
74. Can I take your temperature?
75. Excuse me miss, can I have the time? I’d check my watch but I can’t take my eyes off you.
76. That shirt is awful. Take it off now!
77. Baby do you have a license? ‘Cause you’re driving me crazy
78. You’ll do.

Although if someone used some of these lines on me, I'd give them 'One tight slap'!

P.S.- Have I mentioned some are exceptionally lame/disgustins/Ewwww? They are.

P.P.S- If you have any better ones, do tell :)
I promise to update my list ",

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In Re: Lights, Camera, *ACTION*

So, to fully understand what I am referring, take out two minutes and visit www.lovelifeandlawschool.blogspot.com, and look at the most recent post, the one title Lights, Camera, *ACTION*.
So yes.
One of my crazy roommates thinks that the solution to the intense lack of drama in her life is to make my other roommate and poor ol' me take some drastic step.

Other roommate has already had a fail first attempt.
Which taught ME a valuable lesson about 'vicarious drama', and so I decided I shall not get my fingers burnt.

However I now find myself the victim of much persuasion, coaxing and cajoling to take the 'much-needed' step to inculcate drama in the lives of my erstwhile roommates.

Which I shall NOT. Because it involves certain risky, drastic actions on my part. Which I don't think I am ready to take. And which I also don't think will bring any drama whatsoever to their lives.

I have a deadline. Day after.
Not happening.
SO not happening..

You want drama love,
Watch a soap,
or do your own drastic thing (nothing spells drama like being the centre of attention of the latest scandal/gossip, does it now?)

You know you love me,

I just could NOT resist the temptation to do that :P

Teach For India. Part II. The After.

So the earlier post was the Before.
This is the After.
(Like those cosmetic surgery ads. Not that I'm comparing the talk to cosmetic surgery. Just saying, you know).

SO I walked into the talk, thinking it'd be this big inspirational thing. Something that made you want to roll up your sleeves right then and there, march into a village and start teaching a group of kids whatever you know.

It wasn't.

It was more of a, umm, how to be the saying..
well it was more like, oh we teach kids, we do this, we have people from all these cool places, and you can go on to these other places after 2 years and you ALSO get aid this much.
And it focussed on fellowships, nothing about internships or volunteer work.
So yes, a leetel, itsy bitsy bit disappointing. But no issues, the spirit of the whole movement is what I like, and the spirit it stays true to.

So, anyway, the guy asked us how we though education helped in social change. And the first thing that came to my mind was, it'll reduce the number of beggars in India. By a LOT.

You see, this is of great importance to me. I'm the one friend everyone has who usually empties whatever chillad she has in her pocket and gives it to the beggars. Especially old people and kids. Today too, we were having dinner, and this old lady came and was standing there looking at us. And something in my heart just twisted.

Nobody, I repeat NOBODY should have to forgo their dignity and beg to survive. Its just not done. No sir, not done at all. Its not right. And I know I sound like a bit of an idealist, okay, like one humongous idealist, but I really want the world to be the kind of place where people didn't have to beg.

And its not just about giving. Its about changing the situations which force them to mendicancy. People usually say 'ignore them. don't pay them any attention'. And I usually don't
I can't. How can you ignore them?
It may send them away from me. But it won't solve their problems.
They have a story. Stop and listen. More often than not, they never got the right education.

And THAT is where teach for India comes in. Its not about making leaders etc. and all the other jazz they use to get their corporate sponsorship.
Its about making sure these kids don't grow up to never know what its like to live with dignity.
Its about making sure that nobody ever is ignored again.
That they're heard.
Because this time when they raise their voice,
they won;t just be the 'undeserving poor', they'll be equals. Human beings living with equal dignity.
People we treat at par with ourselves.

And THAT is why I'm going to play my part in this movement.

<Just a thought>

Teach For India.

Yup. I'm going to go for the 'Teach for India' talk law school is holding in about 15 minutes.

The tagline for the poster type thing they'd out up was, enough talking, do something about it.
And while my last two posts have been along the more frivolous lines, this time I'm a little serious. I truly believe in the idea of teach for India, whats more I believe in their tag line.

They're right. Enough discussion, we need to do something about it. We need to get up, shake the dust off our clothes, leave our comfy homes and get dirty. We need to BE the change we eant to see, cliche as it may sound.
We need to DO something. And thats what I'm going to do now.
My first step towards doing something.

There's a reason why I came to law school. not only for the money, but more to make a difference in the world.
And its time we start doing things to make sure we make a difference as opposed to just saying we want to make a difference.

So here's to being the difference we want,
think about it.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Back. Again.

So I'm back.
Yep, just a few hours after my first post. Sigh. I love all this enthu, but I'm hoping it lasts.
And I am soooo FAILING. I have History II, Pol Sci II, Property Law and Consti Law II. All beginning on Friday. And don't you DARE say they're easy courses, they are so NOT.

I've been watching FRIENDS. Friends, sigh. I wish that were my life. Pretty apartments (like the kinds me and my roomie want, where we can have twister night), Boys- the nice kind, the ones that make you go 'awww' (my favourite is Ross, he's soooo NERDY; yes I evidently have a thing for nerds), and general timepass in life.

But my life is full of summaries and readings and exams and projects and for this year, Moots.

To top it all, my Grooveshark doesn't work so well anymore. Aarrrgh. So what do I do now??

But the point of this post is that I'm BACK.

Crap. Its 2:30. And I don't want to sleep. Shit. I have class at 9. Gah.

Must sleep.
One sheep,
Two sheep,
Three sheep....

Nah. Doesn't work. So what do I do?
I want a meteor shower right about now. I'd love to go to the terrace and watch shooting stars. And wish for the resurrection of my social life.

Have I mentioned that I LOWE the terrace. My most profound conversations happen there. My drunken conversations ALSO happen there. And my generally high conversations happen there.

Oooh. I shall go to the terrace now. And I shall have one of the above types of conversations with my roomies. :)

Have I mentioned that I love my room. It has a red light. That gives this total Dev D. effect when you've very nicely placed yourself in the Stratosphere? Yup. Its awesome I tell you.

Law School does have its perks.

Quoting a friend of mine who's doing Uni in Amreeka-
'We study hard, but we party harder'.

Here's to some 'harder' partying once I survive the torture of the next ten days.

Until the next six hours or so...

Law school, Law school, Law school... tsk tsk tsk

Yes, Law school has damaged my social life for life (if that makes sense). Not that I had a really brilliant one to begin with. Still.

I'm blogging. Again.
*three cheers*
Which is a good thing. Seeing as how I have so much free time on my hands , ESPECIALLY around project submission and exam time (which incidentally starts this Friday).
So yes, I shall blog, and blog I shall.

Although I must give credit to my roommate who inspired me. Thank you (you know who you are).

As for this blog, well it isn't exactly a day in the life of an average law student. Because,
a- A day-to-day update isn't exactly a piece of cake, face it I'm a law student, and I know we somehow have this insane ability to manage everything, but I'm STILL no Superman/woman!
and b- I've learnt, no law student is average. If anything there is no such thing as average when it comes to law students.

I shall tell you about the experiences of yet another one of those 'types' in law school, and hopefully you identify, but I can assure you, this is anything but average.

Enjoy reading. At least when I'm trying to look at the brighter side of things. Like, ummm... no.. wait... ummm.. hmmm...
that side doesn't EXIST.